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A mathematican named Klein
Thought the Moebius band was divine.
Said he: If you glue
The edges of two,
You'll get a weird bottle like mine.
I was studying maths (scientific) and maths/physics (for
teaching) at the university of
Vienna, at the department
of mathematics! I have finished my studies in maths with
honors on 07.12.01. Do you want to read my master thesis
(in german) "Polynomials over
groups" or just the
preface ?
On 22th june, 2005 I have finished my PhD studies (also with
distinction). My PhD thesis has the title "Regular and
irregular Gabor multiplier with application to psychoacoustic
masking" (Link).
It was written at NuHAG.
The parts of maths, I'm most interested, are algebra, harmonic
analysis and topology and combinations thereof (for
example topological algebra or fourier analysis on
groups ). With my job and my activities with computers a
bigger interest in numerical and
applied mathematics plus signal processing has evolved.
My master thesis is named "Polynome
über Gruppen", polynomials over groups. It deals first
with the concept of polynomials and polynomial functions on
universal algebras. This concept are then used for goups and
investigated there.
I have been working as a programmer and mathematician at the Acoustics Research Institute
of the Austrian Academy of
Science. Therefore I have come into closer contact with
algorithmics, signal processing and acoustics. At the Lab I can
now merge three of my main interests: acoustics (I am a musician and have worked as sound
technican at some concerts), mathematics and computers.
From november 2003 - april 2004 I was working on my PhD thesis
at the
Groupe de Traitement du Signal , Laboratoire d'Analyse
Topologie et Probabilités, LATP/ CMI, Université de
Provence, Marseille and the Modélisation,
Synthèse et Contrôle des Signaux Sonores et Musicaux of
the LMA / CRNS Marseille. This was funded by the HASSIP
network and also supported by the ARI.
In August 2005 I stayed at the Unité de physique
théorique et de physique mathématique – FYMA with J.P.
Antoine to work on the connection of weighted frames and frame
multipliers (among other things.)
In March, May and June 2006 I was working in Marseille. In
cooperation with NuHAG
Groupe de Traitement du Signal we haved worked on Gabor
software. With the MSCSS and
the ARI we have dealt
with 'time-frequency representations and perception'. The WTZ
has approved an exchange and cooperation-project with the same
topic between this intsitutes.
I have sucessfully applied for a WWTF-project with the title
' Frame Multiplier:
Theory and Application in Acoustics'. This is an
international, multi-disciplinary and team-oriented project has
allowed me to form and head a small group 'Mathematics
and Acoustical Signal Processing ’ at the Acoustics
Research Institute(, which is the biggest group currently with 13
employees).This project started in March 2008 and lasted until
August, 2011. In 2011 I also got the Recognition Award for
Scientists from Lower Austria (see here).
In 2011 I won the START-price, the most
prestigeous price for young scientists in Austria (see below):
In 2012 I was appointed the director of the Acoustics Research Institute.
In 2022 I was elected as treasurer for the international commision
for acoustics (ICA).
In 2011 I was granted the START-Price
for the project 'Frames and Linear Operators for Acoustical Modeling and
Parameter Estimation (FLAME)'. It will run from 2012
to 2018, and was succesfully evaluated in 2015.
Curriculum Vitae (and publications) : My CV (December 2022)
Students :
PhD theses:
- T. Necciari,"Masquage Auditif Temps-Fréquence: mesures
psychoacoustiques et application à l'analyse-synthèse de sons"
(Auditory Time-Freuqency Masking: psychoacoustical measures
and application to the analysis-synthesis of sound signals),
Université de Provence, Marseille. official advisors:
R. Kronland-Martinet, S. Savel (2006-2010); defense: 25.10.2010 passed
with distinction (inoffical advisor and jury member)
- M. Liuni, “Adaptive Sound
Analysis and Synthesis”, University of Florence and
IRCAM Paris, official
advisor: A. Roebel, (2008-2011); defense: 09.03.2012 passed
with distinction (inoffical advisor, jury member and reviewer)
- N. Holighaus, "Theory and Implementation of Adaptive
Time-Frequency Transforms", Univiersity of Vienna (2010 -
2013), defense: 04.10.2013 passed with distinction (inoffical
- N. Engelputzeder, "Linear
time-variant Systems and Gabor Riesz bases", University
of Vienna, official
advisor: H. G. Feichtinger, (2007-2016); defense: 19.02.2016
(co-advisor, jury member and reviewer)
- M. Speckbacher, "Reproducing
pairs and flexible time-frequency representations",
Univversity of Vienna (2014 - 2017); defense: 21.09.2017 passed with distinction
- M. Marconi, "Mechanisms of
ultrasonic vocalizations in house mice", VetMedUni
Vienna (2016 - 2024) first advisor: D. Penn (co-advisor);
defense: 23.01.2024 passed with best rate (advisor)
- D. Reitschmidt, "Adaptive
functions of courtship ultrasonic vocalizations in male mice",
Vienna (2016 - ) first advisor: D. Penn (co-advisor)
- S. Rajbamshi, "Time-Frequency
for Signal Reconstruction and Compressed Sensing with
Applications in Audio", TU Wien (2017 -), (co-advisor)
- D. Haider, "Invertible
Modeling in a Deep Learning Setting Using Frame Theory",
University of Vienna (2020 - )
- A. Lamando, "Regular-Adaptive
Frames and Hilbert C*-Modules", University of Vienna
(2021 - ), advisor together with H.G. Feichtinger.
- R. Abbasi, "Developing
bioacoustic tools for mice vocalizations inspired by speech
recognition algorithms", University of Vienna (2021 -
), advisor together with M. Grosse-Wentrup und D. Penn.
- L. Köhldorfer, "Localized, Fusion and Tensors of Frames",
University of Vienna (2021 - ), advisor together with K.
- D. Bytchenkoff, "Characterisation of linear bounded
operators on co-orbit spaces using tensor products of
localised frames", University of Vienna (2021 - ) ,
advisor together with K. Gröchenig
- R. Nenov, "Nonsmooth Nonconvex Optimization in Acoustic
Signal Processing", University of Vienna (2022 - ),
advisor together with R. Bot.
- M. Peng, "Individual Vocal Recognition in House Mice",
VetMedUni Vienna (2023 - ) (co-advisor), first advisor: S. Zala,
co-advisor: D. Penn
Master theses:
- G. Toupin,"Development of software applications for
psychoacoustic experiments", Ecole Centrale Nantes;
together with B. Laback and M-F. Lucas (passed 25.09.2007)
- M. Speckbacher.
"Time-frequency representation adapted to perception",Technical
of Munich (passed with distinction 27.09.2013)
- N. Bachmann, "Complete
Bessel sequences", University of Vienna (passed with
distinction 24.07.2014) DOI
- D. Haider, "Aspects of
Time-Frequency Scattering and Towards Phase Scattering",
University of Vienna (passed 14.11.2019) DOI
- L. Köhldorfer, "Fusion
Frames and Operators", University of Vienna (passed
with distinction on 20.05.2021)
Bachelor theses:
- A. Nieto-Berezhinskaya, “Analyse
reproduction of the Laurel Yanny acoustic Illusion“,
University of Vienna (Co-advisor: W. Kreuzer)
- A. Fleisch, “Acoustic factors
of looming perception”, University of Vienna
(Co-advisor: R. Baumgartner)
- A. Aigner, "Anwenden eines
unterbewussten absoluten Gehörs mit Hilfe von musikalisch
einprägsamen Melodien", University of Vienna
(Co-advisor: M.Hoeschele)
Internship reports :
- M. Ta, "Pole-Zero Vocal
tract", Universite Paris Diderot, Paris 7; gemeinsam
mit W. Kreuzer, E.Enzinger,C. Kasess and A. Jungman (passed
- H. Mayansa,"Wavelets and Noise Reduction", Universite
Paris Diderot, Paris 7; together with P. Soendergaard and A.
Jungman (passed 08.07.2013)
- S. Martinez,"Gabor transforms and Rényi entropy for tonal
and transient separation", Universite Paris Diderot, Paris
7; together with P. Soendergaard and A. Jungman (passed
- J. Chhieng,"Detection, Classification and Analysis of Mouse
Ultrasonic Vocalization", Universite Paris Diderot, Paris
7; together with A. Noll and A. Jungman (passed 30.06.2014)
- G. Veyret,"Integrating the Irrelevance Algorithm into the
AMToolbox", Universite Paris Diderot, Paris 7; gemeinsam
mit B. Laback und A. Jungman (passed 30.06.2014)
- E. Coemelck, "Application of
Spectral Filtering Processing to the Audiovisual Field",
Universite Paris Diderot, Paris 7; gemeinsam mit D. Stoeva und
A. Jungman (passed 24.06.2019)
Editorships :
Publications :
(see also my ArXiv-page.)
Master Thesis:
- P. Balazs; "Polynome über Gruppen (Polynomials over
groups)"; master thesis, University of Vienna (2001), link
PhD thesis:
- P. Balazs; "Regular and Irregular Gabor Multiplier with
Application to Psychoacoustic Masking"; PhD thesis ,
University of Vienna (2005), link,
- P. Balazs; "New Concepts in Frame Theory Motivated by
Acoustical Application", Habilitation, Faculty of
Mathematics, University of Vienna (2011), Introduction
Journal Publications (peer-reviewed):
- P. Balazs, H.G. Feichtinger, M. Hampejs, G. Kracher; "Double
for Gabor Frames”; IEEE
on Signal Processing, Vol. 54, No.12, December 2006, pp. 4597-4610 (2006) (link
- P. Balazs, "Basic Definition and Properties of Bessel
Multipliers", Journal
of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Vol.
325, Issue 1 , January 2007, pp. 571-585, (2007), doi:10.1016/j.jmaa.2006.02.012 (preprint
on axiv)
- P. Majdak, P. Balazs, B.Laback, "Multiple Exponential Sweep Method for Fast Measurement
of Head Related Transfer Functions", Journal of the Audio
Engineering Society , Vol. 55, No. 7/8, July/August 2007,
pp. 623 - 637 (2007) permalink
preprint, for personal use only)
- P. Balazs, W. Kreuzer, H. Waubke, "A stochastic 2D-model for calculating vibrations in
random layers", Journal
Acoustics, Vol. 15, No. 3, pp. 271 - 283, September 2007
- P. Balazs, M. El-Gebeily, "A
Systematic Study of Frame Sequence Operators and their
Pseudoinverses", International
Mathematical Forum Vol. 3, 2008, no. 5, pp.229 - 239, online
journal edition, online
- P. Balazs, "Matrix
Representation of Operators Using Frames", Sampling Theory in
Signal and Image Processing (STSIP) Vol. 7, No. 1, Jan.
2008, pp. 39-54 (preprint on
arxiv) DOI
- P. Balazs, "Hilbert-Schmidt
Operators and Frames - Classification, Approximation by
Multipliers and Algorithms" , International
of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing,
Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 315 - 330, March 2008 (preprint on
arxiv), Codes and Pictures: here
- P. Balazs, "Frames and
Finite Dimensionality: Frame Transformation, Classification
and Algorithms", Applied
Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 2, no. 41-44, pp. 2131-2144,
(2008) (preprint on
arxiv), Codes and Pictures: here
- P. Balazs, B. Laback, G. Eckel, W. Deutsch, "Time-Frequency Sparsity by
Removing Perceptually Irrelevant Components Using a Simple
Model of Simultaneous Masking", IEEE Transactions on
Audio, Speech and Language Processing, Vol. 18 (1) , pp.
34-49, (2010) DOI (link to
- D. Marelli, P. Balazs, "On
Pole-Zero Model Estimation Methods Minimizing a Logarithmic
Criterion for Speech Analysis", IEEE Transactions on
Audio, Speech and Language Processing, Vol. 18 (2), pp.
237 - 248, DOI
- P. Balazs, J.-P. Antoine, A. Gryboś, "Weighted and Controlled Frames:
Mutual Relationship and first Numerical Properties",
and Information Processing, Vol. 8 (1), pp. 109-132, DOI
(preprint on
- A. Rahimi, P. Balazs, "Multipliers for p-Bessel
sequences in Banach spaces", Integral
and Operator Theory, Vol. 68 (2), 193-205, DOI:
10.1007/s00020-010-1814-7, (2010) (preprint on arxiv)
- W. Kreuzer, H. Waubke, G. Rieckh, P. Balazs, "A 3D Model to Simulate Vibrations
in a Layered Medium with Stochastic Material Parameters",
Journal of
Computational Acoustics, Vol. 19 (2), pp.139-154 (2011)
- B. Laback, P. Balazs, T. Necciari, S. Savel, S. Ystad,
S. Meunier, R. Kronland-Martinet, "Additivity of auditory masking for short
Gaussian-shaped sinusoids", The Journal of the
Acoustical Society of America. Vol. 129, pp. 888-897
- P. Balazs, D. Stoeva, J. P. Antoine, "Classification of General Sequences by Frame-Related
Operators", Sampling Theory in Signal and Image
Processing (STSIP), Vol. 10 (1-2), pp. 151-170
(2011) (preprint
on arxiv)
- J. P. Antoine, P. Balazs,
"Frames and Semi Frames", Journal of Physics
A: Mathematical and Theoretical, Vol.
44 (20) Id. 205201 (2011) (preprint on arxiv)
- P. Balazs, C. Cabrelli, S. Heineken, U. Molter, "Frames by Multiplication",
Development in Theory and Applications of Wavelets, Vol. 5
(2-3), pp. 165-186 (2011) (preprint on arxiv)
- P. Balazs, M.
Dörfler, N. Holighaus, F. Jaillet and G. Velasco, “Theory, Implementation and
Application of Nonstationary Gabor Frames", Journal
Computational and Applied Mathematics,Vol. 236 (6), pp. 1481-1496 (2011), (link
- E. Enzinger, P. Balazs, "Speaker
using Pole/Zero Estimates of Nasals", Analele
Universitatii "Eftimie Murgu", Vol. 18 (2), pp. 33-44
- P. Balazs, G. Rieckh, "Oversampling
Frame Representation of Operator", Analele
Universitatii "Eftimie Murgu", Vol. 18 (1), pp.
107-114 (2011)
- G. Rieckh, W. Kreuzer, H. Waubke, P. Balazs, "A 2.5D-Fourier-BEM-model for
vibrations in a tunnel running through layered anisotropic
Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, Vol. 36, pp.
960-967 (2012)
- P. Balazs, D. Bayer, A. Rahimi, "Multipliers for continuous frames in Hilbert spaces",
Journal of
Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, Vol. 45(24),
244023 (2012)
- D. Stoeva, P. Balazs, "Invertibility of Multipliers",
Computational Harmonic Analysis, Vol. 33 (2), pp. 292-299
- P. Soendergaard, B. Torresani, P. Balazs, "The Linear Time Frequency Analysis
Toolbox", International
and Information Processing, Vol. 10 (4), Id. 1250032
(2012) (link
- J. P. Antoine, P. Balazs,
"Frames, Semi-Frames, and Hilbert Scales", Numerical
Functional Analysis and Optimization, Vol. 33(7-9), pp.
736-769 (2012) (preprint
- D. Stoeva, P. Balazs, "Canonical
of unconditionally convergent multipliers", Journal
Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Vol. 399, pp.
252-259 (2013) (preprint
- D. Stoeva, P. Balazs, "Detailed
of unconditional convergence and invertibility of multipliers",
Sampling Theory in Signal and Image
Processing (STSIP), Vol. 12 (2), pp. 87 - 125 (2013)
(preprint on arxiv)
- P. Balazs, M. Dörfler, M. Kowalski, B. Torrésani, "Adapted and adaptive linear
time-frequency representations: a synthesis point of view", IEEE
Processing Magazine, Vol. 30 (6) (special issue:
Time-Frequency Analysis and Applications), pp. 20-31 (2013)
- B. Laback, T. Necciari, P. Balazs, S. Savel, and S. Ystad, "Simultaneous masking additivity
for short Gaussian-shaped tones: Spectral effects", The Journal of the
Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 134 (2) (2013)
- P. Balazs, D. Stoeva, "Representation
the inverse of a multiplier", Journal
Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Vol. 422 (2) pp.
981-994 (2015) (preprint
- M. Speckbacher, P. Balazs, "Reproducing pairs and the
continuous nonstationary Gabor transform on LCA groups",
Journal of Physics A:
Mathematical and Theoretical, Vol. 48 (39), 395201 (2015)
(preprint on arxiv)
- L. D. Abreu, P. Balazs, M. de Gosson, Z. Mouayn, "Discrete coherent states for
higher Landau levels", Annals
Physics, Vol. 363 pp. 337-353 (2015) (preprint on arxiv)
- P. Balazs, D. Bayer, F. Jaillet, P. Søndergaard, "The Pole Behaviour of the Phase
Derivative of the Short-Time Fourier Transform", Applied
Computational Harmonic Analysis, Vol. 40 (3), pp.
610-621 (2016) (preprint on arxiv)
- D. Stoeva, P. Balazs, "On
the dual frame induced by an invertible frame multiplier",
Sampling Theory in Signal and Image
Processing (STSIP), Vol. 15, pp. 119-130 (2016) (preprint on arxiv)
- T. Necciari, S. Savel, B. Laback, S. Meunier, P. Balazs, R.
Kronland-Martinet, S. Ystad, "Auditory
masking for spectrally and temporally maximally-compact
stimuli", PLOS
- Z. Průša, P. Balazs, P. L. Søndergaard, "A Non-iterative Method for
(Re)Construction of Phase from STFT Magnitude", IEEE Transactions on
Audio, Speech and Language Processing, Vol. 25 (5), pp.
1154 - 1164 (2017) (preprint
on arxiv)
- M. Speckbacher, P. Balazs, "Reproducing
and Gabor systems at critical density", Journal
Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Vol. 455(2), pp.
1072-1087 (2017) (preprint
- M. Speckbacher, D. Bayer, S. Dahlke, P. Balazs "The $\alpha$-Modulation Transform:
Admissibility, Coorbit Theory and Frames of Compactly
Supported Functions", Monatshefte für
Mathematik, Vol. 184 (1), pp. 133-169 (2017) (preprint on arxiv)
- S. M. Zala, D. Reitschmidt, A. Noll, P. Balazs, D. J. Penn, "Automatic mouse ultrasound
detector (A-MUD): A new tool for processing rodent
vocalizations", PLOS
- S. M. Zala, D. Reitschmidt, A. Noll, P. Balazs, D. J. Penn, "Sex-Dependent Modulation of
Ultrasonic Vocalizations in House Mice (Mus musculus
musculus)", PLOS
- T. Necciari, N. Holighaus, P. Balazs, Z. Průša, P. Majdak, O.
Derrien, "Audlet Filter Banks:
A Versatile Analysis/Synthesis Framework using Auditory
Frequency Scales", Applied Sciences,
Vol. 8 (1), Id. 96 (2018) preprint on arxiv
- N. Perraudin, N. Holighaus, P. Soendergaard, P. Balazs, "Designing Gabor windows using
convex optimization", Applied
and Computation, Vol. 330, pp. 266-287 (2018), preprint on arxiv
- N. Perraudin, N. Holighaus, P. Majdak, P. Balazs, "Similarity graphs for the
concealment of long duration data loss in music", IEEE
Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing,
Vol. 26(6), pp. 1079-1090 (2018), preprint on arxiv
- N. Holighaus, C. Wiesmeyr, P. Balazs, "Continuous warped time-frequency
representations - Coorbit spaces and discretization", Applied
Computational Harmonic Analysis, Vol. 47 (3), pp.
975-1013 (2019), preprint
on arxiv
- P. Balazs, H. Harbrecht, "Frames
the solution of operator equations in Hilbert spaces with
fixed dual pairing", Numerical
Functional Analysis and Optimization, Vol. 40 (1), pp.
65-84 (2019), preprint
on arxiv
- P. Balazs, M. Shamsabadi, A. Arefijamaal and A. Rahimi, "U-cross Gram matrices and their
invertibility", Journal
Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Vol. 476 (2), pp.
367-390 (2019), preprint
on arxiv.
- P. Balazs, S. Heineken, "An
Operator Based Approach to Irregular Frames of Translates",
Vol. 7 (5), 449
(special issue 'Harmonic Analysis', guest editor: H. G.
Feichtinger) (2019), DOI
- P. Balazs, K. Gröchenig and M. Speckbacher, "Kernel Theorems in Coorbit
Theory", Transactions
the American Mathematical Society, Ser. B 6, pp. 346 - 364
(2019), preprint on
arxiv. DOI
- M. Speckbacher, P. Balazs, "Frames,
relatives and reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces", Journal of
Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, Vol. 53 (1),
015204 (2020), preprint
on arxiv.
- M. Shamsabadi, A. Arefijamaal, P. Balazs, "The invertibility of U-fusion
cross Gram matrices of operators", Mediterranean
of Mathematics, 17, article number: 130 (2020), preprint on arxiv
- S. Zala, D.
Nicolakis, M. Marconi, A. Noll, P. Balazs, D. Penn, "Primed
to vocalize: wild-derived male house mice alter the quantity
and quality of their vocalizations after interacting with a
female", PLOS
ONE Vol.
(12): e0242959 (2020)
- G. Tauböck. S. Rajbamshi, P. Balazs, Dictionary Learning for Sparse
Audio Inpainting", IEEE
of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, Special Issue on
Reconstruction of audio from incomplete or highly degraded
observations, Vol. 15 (1). pp. 104-119 (2021) DOI
- Z. Průša, N.
Holighaus, P. Balazs, "Fast
Matching Pursuit with Multi-Gabor Dictionaries",
Transactions on
Mathematical Software. Vol. 47(1), Article No.: 24, pp
1–20, DOI (2021)
- P. Balazs, C. Kasess, W. Kreuzer, T. Maly, Z. Průša, F.
Jaillet, "Anwendung von
Rahmen-Multiplikatoren für die Extraktion von Kurvenquietschen
von Zugsaufnahmen", e & i
Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, 138, pp. 206–211 (2021), DOI
- P. Balazs, N. Teofanov, "Continuous
in tensor product Hilbert spaces, localization operators and
density operators", Journal of
Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, Vol. 55(14),
145201, preprint on
arxiv (2022), DOI
- A. Novoselov, G. Bokelmann, P. Balazs, "SEDENOSS: SEparating and DENOising
Seismic Signals with dual-path recurrent neural network
architecture", Journal
Geophysical Research - Solid Earth, Vol. 127 (3) preprint,
(2022) DOI
- P. Balazs, G. Bellomonte, H. Hosseinnezhad, "Frame-related Sequences in Chains
and Scales of Hilbert Spaces", Axioms, Vol.
11(4), Special Issue: Time-Frequency
Analysis, Distributions, and Operators, preprint on arxiv
(2022), DOI
- R. Abbasi, P. Balazs, A. Marconi, D. Nicolakis, S. Zala, D.
Penn, "Capturing the songs of
mice with an improved detection and classification method for
ultrasonic vocalizations (BootSnap)", PLOS
Computational Biology, Vol. 18( 5): e1010049, preprint
biorxiv (2022) DOI
- L. D. Abreu, P. Balazs, S. Jaksic, "The affine ensemble: determinantal point processes
associated with the ax+b group", Journal of the
Mathematical Society of Japan, Vol. 75 (2), 469-483
researchgate (2023), DOI
- L. Köhldorfer, P. Balazs, "On
relation of the frame-related operators of fusion frame
systems", Sampling Theory,
Signal Processing, and Data Analysis Vol. 21, article
number 9, preprint on arxiv,
(2023) DOI
- H.G. Feichtinger, P. Balazs, D. Haider, "Double Preconditioning for Gabor
Frame Operators: Numerical and Functional Analytic Aspects",
and Computational Harmonic Analysis (ACHA) Vol. 66,
101-137 (2023), DOI
- P. Balazs, F. Bastianoni, E. Cordero, H. G. Feichtinger, N.
Schweighofer, "Comparison
between Fourier and STFT multipliers: the smoothing effect of
the short-time Fourier transform", Journal
of Mathematical Analysis and Applications Vol. 529 (1):
127579, preprint on
arxiv (2024) DOI
- P. Balazs, M. Shamsabadi, A. Arefijamaal, G. Chardon, "Representation of Operators Using
Fusion Frames", Applied
and Computational Harmonic Analysis (ACHA) Vol.
68:101596, preprint
on arxiv (2024) DOI
- P. Balazs, D. Freeman, R. Popescu, M. Speckbacher, "Quantitative Bounds for
Unconditional Pairs of Frames", Journal
of Mathematical Analysis and Applications (JMAA) Vol. 531
(1 part 2), 127874, preprint
on arxiv (2024), DOI
- R. Nenov, D.-K. Nguyen, P. Balazs, R. Bot, "Accelerated
Griffin-Lim algorithm: A fast and provably converging
numerical method for phase retrieval", IEEE
Transactions on Signal Processing Vol. 72, 190-202, preprint
on arxiv (2023) DOI
- L. D. Abreu, P. Balazs, N. Holighaus, F. Luef, M. Speckbacher,
"Time-Frequency Analysis on
Flat Tori and the Finite Gabor Transform", Applied
and Computational Harmonic Analysis (ACHA) Vol. 69,
101622, preprint
researchgate (2024) DOI
- D. Haider, V. Lostanlen, M. Ehler, P. Balazs, "Instabilities
in Convnets for Raw Audio", IEEE
Signal Processing Letters Vol. 31, 1084-1088, preprint
on arxiv (2024) DOI
- P. Balazs, M. Shamsabadi, "An
unbounded operator theory approach to lower frame and
Riesz-Fisher sequences", Applied
and Computational Harmonic Analysis (ACHA) Vol. 73,
101685, preprint on arxiv
(2024) DOI
Preprints / in preparation / submitted:
- P. Balazs, R. Corso, D. Stoeva, "Weighted frames, weighted
lower semi frames and unconditionally convergent
multipliers", submitted
- G. Tauböck, S. Rajbamshi, P. Balazs, "Frame Multipliers
and Compressive Sensing", submitted
- D. Bytchenkoff, M. Speckbacher, P. Balazs, "Kernel
Theorems for Operators on Coorbit Spaces Associated with
Lcoalized Frames", submitted
- P. Balazs, M. Ehler, D. Haider, "Alpha-rectifying Frames: Injectivity and Local
Reconstruction of ReLU-layers", preprint
- P. Balazs, M. Multerer, "Samplets: a Frame Theory
Viewpoint", preprint
- P. Balazs, M. Shamsabadi, "Classification of General
Subspaces", preprint
- P. Balazs, K. Gröchenig, "Wiener-type results for
localized frame multipliers", preprint
- G. Tauböck, S. Rajbamshi, P. Balazs, "Inpainting-basierte
Signallückenrekonstruktion mit einer spärlichen Darstellung",
pending (2021)
- T. Necciari, P. Balazs, R. Kronland-Martinet, S. Ystad, B.
Laback, S. Savel, S. Meunier, "Auditory
Masking: Psychoacoustical Data and Application to Audio
Representations", in Post
proceedings of the 8th international Computer Music Modeling
and Retrieval symposium (CMMR 2011). Bhubaneswar,
India, Springer (2012)
- D. Stoeva and P. Balazs, "Riesz
Multipliers", in Concrete
Operators, Spectral Theory, Operators in Harmonic Analysis and
Approximation, Birkhäuser, Vol. 236, H. Hedenmalm,
M.A. Kaashoek, A.Montes-Rodríguez and S.R. Treil, S. R.
(Eds.) pp. 477-484 (2014) DOI
- Z. Prusa,P. Søndergaard, N. Holighaus, Ch. Wiesmeyr, and P.
Balazs: "The Large Time
Frequency Analysis Toolbox 2.0", in Sound, Music and Motion, O.
Derrien, R. Kronland-Martinet, S. Ystad, and M. Aramaki (Eds.).
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 8905. Springer Berlin /
Heidelberg, 1–2, (2014) Preprint
- P. Balazs, N. Holighaus, T. Necciari, D. Stoeva, "Frame Theory for Signal
Processing in Psychoacoustics". In: Excursions in Harmonic Analysis
Vol. 5, R. Balan, M. Dellatorre, J. J. Benedetto, W.
Czaja, K. A. Okoudjou. (Ed.). Springer Berlin / Heidelberg
(2017) preprint on
- P. Balazs, K. Gröchenig, "The
to Localized Frames and Applications to Galerkin-like
Representations of Operators", In: Frames and Other
Bases in Abstract and Function Space, I. Pesenson, H.
Mhaskar, A. Mayeli, Q. Le Gia and D.-X. Zhou
(Eds.) Birkhäuser / Springer
preprint on arxiv
(2017) DOI
- D. Stoeva, P. Balazs, "A
survey on the unconditional convergence and the invertibility
of multipliers with implementation", Sampling -- Theory and
Applications (A Centennial Celebration of Claude Shannon),
S. Casey, K. Okoudjou, M. Robinson and B. Sadler (Eds.), Applied
and Numerical Harmonic Analýsis Series (ANHA), Springer, preprint
on arxiv (2020) DOI
- L. Köhldorfer, P. Balazs, P. Casazza, S. Heineken, C.
Hollomey, P. Morillas, M. Shamsabadi, "A Survey of Fusion
Frames in Hilbert Spaces", Sampling, Approximation,
and Signal Analysis (Harmonic Analysis in the Spirit of J.
Rowland Higgins), S. Casey, M. Dodson, J. Paulo, J.
Ferreira and A. Zayed (Eds.) preprint on arxiv
(2024) DOI
Peer-reviewed proceedings publications:
- P. Balazs, H.G. Feichtinger, M. Hampejs, G. Kracher; "Double
for the Gabor Frame Operator”; Proceedings ICASSP '06, May 14-19,
Toulouse, DVD (2006)
- D. Marelli, M. Fu, P. Balazs, P and P. Majdak, "An Iterative Method for
Approximating LTI Systems using Subbands", IEEE
Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, ICAASP08, March 30 -
April 4, 2008
- P. Balazs, "Matrix
Representation of Bounded Linear Operators By Bessel
Sequences, Frames and Riesz Sequence", SAMPTA'09,
Marseille, May 18-22, 2009
- F. Jaillet, P. Balazs, M. Dörfler, "Nonstationary Gabor Frames", SAMPTA'09,
Marseille, May 18-22, 2009
- D. Stoeva and P. Balazs, “Weighted
Frames and Frame Multipliers”, Proceedings of the International
UACEG2009: Science & Practice, 29-31 October 2009
- P. Majdak, P. Balazs, W. Kreuzer and M. Dörfler, “A Time-Frequency Method for
Increasing the Signal-To-Noise Ratio in System Identification
with Exponential Sweeps”, ICASSP 2011, Prague,
- E. Enzinger, P. Balazs, D. Marelli and T. Becker,”A Logarithmic Based Pole-Zero
Vocal Tract Model Estimation for Speaker Verification”, ICASSP 2011, Prague,
- M. Liuni, P. Balazs, A. Röbel,
"Sound Analysis and Synthesis Adaptive in Time and Two
Frequency bands", Proc. of the 14th Int. Conference on Digital
Audio Effects (DAFx-11), Paris, France, September 19-23,
- T. Necciari, P. Balazs, R. Kronland-Martinet, S. Ystad, B.
Laback, S. Savel and S. Meunier, "Perceptual optimization of Audio Representations Based
on Time-Frequency Masking Data for Maximally-Compact Stimuli",
in: Proceedings of the 45th AES conference on Applications of
Time-Frequency Processing in Audio. Helsinki, Finland (2012)
- T. Necciari, P. Balazs, N. Holighaus, and P. Søndergaard, "The ERBlet Transform: An
Auditory-Based Time-Frequency Representation with Perfect
Reconstruction", accepted for: Proceedings of
the 38th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and
Signal Processing (ICASSP2013)
- N. Perraudin, N. Holighaus, P. Søndergaard, P. Balazs, "Gabor dual windows using convex
optimization", Proceeedings of the 10th International
Conference on Sampling theory and Applications (SAMPTA 2013)
- D. Bayer, P. Balazs,
"(Non-)Density Properties of Discrete Gabor Multipliers",Proceeedings
the 10th International Conference on Sampling theory and
Applications (SAMPTA 2013)
- P. Balazs, D. Stoeva, "A
Review of the Invertibility of Frame Multipliers",
Proceeedings of the 10th International Conference on Sampling
theory and Applications (SAMPTA 2013)
- N. Perraudin, P. Balazs, P. Søndergaard, "A Fast Griffin-Lim Algorithm",
2013 IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio
and Acoustics (WASPAA 2013), DOI preprint
- Z. Průša, P. Søndergaard, N. Holighaus, P. Balazs, "LTFAT: A Matlab/Octave Toolbox for
Sound Processing", Proceeedings of the 10th
international Symposium on Computer Music Multidisciplinary
Research (CMMR 2013)
- Z. Průša, P. Søndergaard, N. Holighaus, P. Balazs, "Real-Time Audio
Processing in the Large Time Frequency Analysis Toolbox", Proceeedings of the 10th
international Symposium on Computer Music Multidisciplinary
Research (CMMR 2013)
- G. Chardon, T. Necciari, P. Balazs, "Perceptual matching
pursuit with Gabor dictionaries and time-frequency masking", Proceedings of the 39th International
Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP
2014). Florence, Italy, pp. 3126-3130. (2014)
- N. Holighaus, P. Balazs, C. Wiesmeyr, "Time-frequency representations for
nonlinear frequency scales - Coorbit spaces and discretization",
2015 International Conference on Sampling Theory and
Applications (SampTA) (SampTA 2015), link
- D. Stoeva, P. Balazs "The
dual frame induced by an invertible frame multiplier", 2015
Conference on Sampling Theory and Applications (SampTA) (SampTA
link IEEExplore
- O. Derrien, T. Necciari, P. Balazs, "A quasi-orthogonal, invertible, and perceptually
relevant time-frequency transform for audio coding", EUSIPCO 2015, paper
link, for codes see here.
- D. Stoeva, P. Balazs, "Commutative
of invertible multipliers in relation to representation of
their inverses", International Conference on Sampling
Theory and Applications (SampTA), 2017, IEEExplore
- F. Huang, P. Balazs, "Dictionary
for pitch estimation in speech signals", 2017 IEEE 27th
International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing
(MLSP), Tokyo, 2017, IEEExplore
- G. Tauböck, S. Rajbamshi, P. Balazs, L. Abreu, "Random Gabor Multipliers and
Compressive Sensing", SampTA 2019, 13th International
Conference on Sampling Theory and Applications, Bordeaux, July
8-12. 2019
- P. Balazs,"Banach frames and
atomic decompositions in the space of bounded operators on
Hilbert spaces", SampTA 2019, 13th International
Conference on Sampling Theory and Applications, Bordeaux, July
8-12. 2019
- P. Balazs, H. Harbrecht, "Frames
the solution of operator equations in Hilbert spaces with
fixed dual pairing" (extended abstract), 14th
International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects
of Wave Propagation (WAVES
2019), August, 25.-30. 2019
- P. Balazs, M. Shamsabadi, A. Arefijamaal, "U-cross Gram matrices and their
invertibility" (extended abstract), 14th International
Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave
Propagation (WAVES 2019),
August, 25.-30. 2019
- M. Shamsabadi, A. Arefijamaal, P. Balazs, "The invertibility of U-fusion
cross Gram matrices of operators" (extended abstract),
14th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical
Aspects of Wave Propagation
- S. Rajbamshi, G. Tauböck, P. Balazs, L. Abreu, "Random Gabor Multipliers for
Compressive Sensing: A Simulation Study", 2019 27th
European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Sept. 2.-6. 2019
- R. Abbasi, P. Balazs, A. Noll, D. Nocilakis, M. Marconi, D.
Penn, S. Zala, "Applying
convolutional neural networks to the analysis of mouse
ultrasonic vocalizations", 23rd International Congress
on Acoustics, Aachen, September 9.-13. 2019, DOI
- S. Rajbamshi, P. Balazs, N. Holighaus, "Adhoc method to Invert the Reassigned Time-Frequency
Representation", 23rd International Congress on
Acoustics, Aachen, September 9.-13. 2019, August, 25.-30. 2019,
- F. Huang, P. Balazs, "Harmonic-aligned
Mask Based on Non-stationary Gabor Transform with Application
to Content-dependent Speaker Comparison", Interspeech 2019,
- D. Haider, P. Balazs, "Extraction
Rhythmical Features with the Gabor Scattering Transform",
CMMR 2019: 14th
International Symposium on Computer Music Multidisciplinary
- G. Tauböck, S. Rajbamshi, P. Balazs, "Sparse Audio
Inpainting: A Dictionary Learning Technique to Improve Its
Performance", in: AES Show
Fall 2020, permalink
- Z. Průša, N. Holighaus, P. Balazs, "Accelerating Matching Pursuit for Multiplier
Time-Frequency Dictionaries", in Proceedings of the
23rd International Conference on Digital Audio Effects
(DAFx2020), permalink
- S. Rajmbamshi, G. Tauböck, N. Holighaus, P. Balazs, "Audio Inpainting via
l1-Minimization and Dictionary Learning", in
Proceeedings of the 29th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO2021).
- D. Haider, P. Balazs, N. Holighaus, "Phase-based Signal representations for Scattering",
in Proceeedings of the 29th European Signal Processing
Conference (EUSIPCO2021)
(2021) preprint on arxiv.
- C. H. Kasess, T. Maly, P.
Balazs, W. Kreuzer, "Time-variant
signal manipulation using frame multipliers".
Madeira, S. 673-682. (2021)
- P. Wojdyllo, P.Balazs, "Ancient
Greek theatre - impulse response simulation" in
Proceedings of the 2nd
Symposium: The Acoustics of Ancient Theatres
,Verona (2022)
- R. Nenov, D.-K. Nguyen, P. Balazs, "Faster Than Fast:
Accelerating The Griffin-Lim Algorithm" in
ICASSP 2023: International Conference on Acoustics, Speech,
and Signal Processing, Rhodes/GREECE (2023)
- D. Haider, P. Balazs, M. Ehler, "Convex Geometry of
ReLU-layers, Injectivity on the Ball and Local Reconstruction"
in Proceedings of the Fortieth International
Conference on Machine Learning ICML, Honolulu (2023), preprint
on arxiv
- S. Casey, P. Balazs, "Sampling and Frame Expansions for
UWB Signals", in Fourteenth International
Conference on Sampling Theory and Applications (SAMPTA), openreview
- D. Bytchenkoff, M. Speckbacher, P. Balazs, "Outer Kernel
Theorem for Co-orbit Spaces of Localised Frames", in Fourteenth
International Conference on Sampling Theory and Applications
(SAMPTA), openreview
- V. Lostanlen, D. Haider, H. Han, M. Lagrange, P. Balazs, M,
Ehler, "Fitting Auditory Filterbanks with Multiresolution
Neural Networks", IEEE Workshop on Applications of
Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics (WASPAA) preprint
on arxiv (2023) DOI
- P. Balazs, D. Haider, V. Lostanlen, F. Perfler, "Trainable
signal encoders that are robust against noise", Inter-Noise
2024, Nantes (2024)
- D. Haider∗, F. Perfler∗, V. Lostanlen,
M. Ehler, P. Balazs, "Hold Me Tight: Stable Encoder–Decoder
Design for Speech Enhancement", Interspeech 2024, Kos
Island (2024)
- R. Nenov ∗, D. Haider∗ , P. Balazs, "(Almost)
Smooth Sailing: Towards Numerical Stability of Neural Networks
Through Differentiable Regularization of the Condition
Number", ICML 2024 Workshop on
Differentiable Almost Everything: Differentiable Relaxations,
Algorithms, Operators, and Simulators, Vienna, open review
Proceedings Publications:
- P. Balazs, A. Noll, W.A.Deutsch, B.Laback; "Concept
of the integrated signal analysis software system STX";
Proceedings ÖPG 2000 CD (2000)
- P. Balazs, H. Waubke, W.A. Deutsch; "Phasenanalyse
mit akustischen Anwendungsbeispielen"; DAGA
- H. Waubke, P. Balazs; "Verwendung der zeitliche
Rücktransformation zur Berücksichtigung der Kausalität in
Spektren mehrdimensionaler Fourier Transformationen"; DAGA
- H. Waubke, P. Balazs, B. Jilge, W. Kreuzer; “Waves in Random Layers with
Arbitrary Covariance Functions”, 12th International
Congress on Sound and Vibration, Lisbon , abstract,
- H. Waubke, W. Kreuzer, P. Balazs, "Ein 3D-Modell zur Berechnung der Ausbreitung von
Erschütterungen in Bodenschichten", DAGA '06,
20.-23.März, Braunschweig (2006)
- W. Kreuzer, H. Waubke, P. Balazs, "Effiziente Implementierung eines
stochastischen Modells zur Berechnung von Erschütterungen in
Böden und Fluiden", DAGA '06, 20.-23.März, Braunschweig
- W. Kreuzer, H. Waubke, P. Balazs, "A 3D-stochastic model for simulating vibrations in
soil layers"; Proceedings ICSV13, 13th International Congress
on Sound and Vibration, July 2-6, 2006 (2006)
- P. Balazs, "Frame multiplier
and irregular Gabor filters with application in time frequency
masking"; Proceedings ICSV13, 13th International Congress
on Sound and Vibration, July 2-6, 2006 (2006)
- P. Majdak, P. Balazs, "Multiple
Sweep Method for Fast Measurement of Head Related Transfer
Functions"; 122nd
AES Conference, 05.05.2007 (2007)
- D. Marelli, P. Balazs, "A Zero-Pole Vocal Track Model Estimation
Method Accurately Reproducing Spectral Zeros"; 122nd AES Conference,
05.05.2007 (2007)
- B. Laback, P. Balazs, G. Toupin, T. Necciari, S. Savel, S.
Meunier, S. Ystad and R. Kronland-Martinet, "Additivity of auditory masking
using Gaussian-shaped tones", Acoustics'08,
Paris, 29.06.-04.07.2008 (03.07.2008)
- F. Jaillet, M. Dörfler, P. Balazs and N. Engelputzeder, "On the Structure of the Phase
around the Zeros of the Short-Time Fourier Transform",
35th German Convention on Acoustics (DAGA 2009), Rotterdam,
23.- 26. March 2009.
- M. Dörfler, P. Balazs and F. Jaillet, "Removing Components from a
Time-Frequency Representation", 35th German Convention
on Acoustics (DAGA 2009),
Rotterdam, 23.- 26. March 2009.
- G. Rieckh, P. Balazs and W. Kreuzer, "Frames and Acoustic BEM",
in: Proceedings of the DAGA 2010. Berlin, CD-ROM. (2010)
- G. Rieckh, P. Balazs, W. Kreuzer and H. Waubke, "Frames for acoustic BEM",
in: Proceedings of the INTERNOISE 2010. Lisbon, CD-ROM. (2010)
- W. Kreuzer, P. Balazs and D. Marelli, "Vokaltraktmodellierung unter
Verwendung eines Pol-Nullstellen Modells", in :
Tagungsband DAGA
2011, Düsseldorf, 21.03-24.03.2011 (2011)
- Z. Prusa, P. Søndergaard and P. Balazs, "The Large Time Frequency Analysis
Toolbox: Wavelets", OctConf 2013, Milano, Italy (2013)
- P. Balazs, N. Holighaus, "LTFAT
Die Zeit-Frequenz Toolbox", in DAGA 2020 Tagungsband (2020)
- D. Haider, P. Balazs, N. Holighaus und L. Gutscher, "Zeit-Frequenz Darstellungen und
Deep Learning", Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2021 (2021)
- M. Shamsabadi und P. Balazs, "Domain
with Fusion Frames", Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2021 (2021)
- R. Abbasi, P. Balazs, J. Spitzbart, B. Graf und N.
Wallaszkovit, "A Quantitative
Comparison of Traffic Noise During, Before and Long Before the
Pandemic Using A-Posteriori Heuristic Calibration",
Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA
2021 (2021)
- H. Waubke, P. Balazs, L. Köhldorfer und A. Kranabetter, "PanDeNoise: Measurements before
and during the lockdown at Zederhaus", Fortschritte der
Akustik - DAGA 2021
- R. Abbasi, P. Balazs, D.J. Penn und S.M. Zala, "Pitfalls of Using Feature-Based
Classification for Mouse Ultrasonic Vocalizations",
Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA
2021 (2021)
- P. Balazs, G. Tauböck, S. Rajbamshi, N. Holighaus, "Audio Inpainting", Proceedings:
A16, Numerical, Computational and
Theoretical Acoustics ICA 2022 Gyeongju
S. 186-189. (2022)
- G. Tauböck, S. Rajbamshi, P. Balats, "Random Time-varying Filtering with
Subsampling", Proceedings:
A16, Numerical, Computational and
Theoretical Acoustics ICA 2022 Gyeongju
S. 186-189. (2022)
- C. Hollomey, N. Holighaus, P. Balazs, "Music signal analysis in the Large
Time Frequency Analysis Toolbox", Proceedings:
A07, Musical Acoustics, ICA 2022 Gyeongju S. 98-104.
- H. Eckert, D. Haider, M. Ehler, P. Balazs, "Invertibility of ReLU-layers: A Practical Approach",
accepted for 16th International
Conference on Neural Computation Theory and Applications
(NCTA) 2024.
Talks at conferences, workshops and seminars (invited):
- "Masking and Frame Multiplier "; 'seminaire de
traitement du signal' CMI, Université de Provence
- "Masking, Maths, Marseille and More" (18.03.2004); at
the group "Modélisation, Synthèse et Contrôle des Signaux
Sonores et Musicaux" of the LMA / CNRS Marseille
- "STX: the software system of the ARI" (01.04.2004);
LMA Marseille
- "Frames and Frame Multiplier" (15.04.2004); LMA
- "Gabor Multipliers With
Application To Psychoacoustic Masking",
(15.11.2005) bei LMA, CNRS Marseille, November 2005
- "Masking, Maths, Marseille
and marginally More", HASSIP RIP
workshop seminaires "reseau europeen HASSIP", LATP, CMI
Marseille, (28.09.2006), presentation
- "Mathematics in Acoustics",
Amadeé mini.workshop, Acoustics Research Institute, Vienna,
3.-5.October 2006 (03.10.2006), presentation
- "Concept of a Time Frequency
Masking Model based on Gabor filters and 2D convolution",
Amadeé mini.workshop, Acoustics Research Institute, Vienna,
3.-5.October 2006 (04.10.2006), presentation
- "STX: the software system of the ARI" (15.06.2007); Computational Gabor
Analysis workshop (13.06. - 15.06.2007), NuHAG, Faculty of
- "Weighted and Controlled
Frames"(06.08.2007), EPFL Lausanne
- "Frame Multiplier and
Irregular Gabor Filters with Application In Time Frequency
Masking" (12.10.2007), Centre for
Applied Hearing Research
- "The MULAC project"
(23.09.2008), MULAC
- Kick-Off Meeting, Slides
- "Overview of the work of the
group 'Mathematics and Acoustical Signal Processing' of the
Acoustical Research Institute" (15.10.2009), LATP, CMI
- "Mathematics and Acoustical
Signal Processing: From Theory to Applications"
(04.12.2009), "WAVELETS AND APPLICATIONS", ULg Gembloux Agro-Bio
- "Matrix representation and
frame multipliers", (11.03.2010), FYMA Mulac seminar,
FYMA, UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve
- "Classification of arbitrary
sequences by the frame-related operators",
(11.03.2010), FYMA Mulac seminar, FYMA, UCL,
- "Mathematics and Signal
Processing in Acoustics" (21.04.2010), "Sparse Approximation
and Optimization in High Dimensions"-seminar, RICAM Linz
- "On Pole-Zero Model
Estimation Methods Minimizing a Logarithmic Criterion for
Speech Analysis" (01.06.2011), Institute of
Phonetics and Speech Processing at the University of
- "MulAC - an overview (the
past)" (29.08.2011), MulAc
- "FLAME - an overview (the
future)" (29.08.2011), MulAc
- "Oversampling Operators:
Frame Representation of Operator" (16.09.2011), Multi-Conference
& Structures (SysStruc '11) (plenary talk)
- "Mathematics and Signal
Processing in Acoustics - From Theory to
Applications" (28.10.2011), Signal
Worshop, Brno University of Technology
- "HRTF Measurements and
their improvements with Time-Frequency Methods"
(28.10.2011), Signal
Worshop, Brno University of Technology
- "Overview of FLAME"
meeting, Acoustics Research Institute
- "Frames and Linear
Operators for Acoustical Modeling and Parameter
Estimation" (17.11.2012), A Day of
Science, Austrian Acaemy of Sciences
- "Frame Theory and its
Acoustical Applications" (25.10.2012), 2nd
Workshop 2012, Brno University of Technology
- "Frame Theory and its
Acoustical Applications" (04.12.2012), ESI12
Modern Methods of Time-Frequency Analysis II, Time-frequency
for the applied sciences, Erwin
Schroedinger Institute (Univ. Vienna)
- "Frame Representation of
Operators" (07.03.2013), BIOTOP-Meeting, Marburg, Germany
- "Gabor dual windows using
convex optimization" (31.10.2013), 3rd
2013, Brno University of Technology
- "Frames for Psychoacoustics -
Erblet transform and perceptive sparsity" (21.02.2014),
Talks 2014, the Norbert Wiener Center, University of
- "Non-stationary Gabor
transform and Frame Representation of Operators"
(20.08.2014), BIOTOP: Adaptive Wavelet and Frame
Techniques for Acoustic BEM Mid-Term Workshop, 19-21 August,
- (keynote) "Frames in audio
processing: What you use, but might not know"
(06.09.2016), 19th International Conference on Digital
Audio Effects, DAFx-16,
September 5–9, 2016, Brno, Czech Republic
- "Frame Theory at the
Acoustics Research Institute" (13.04.2018), Serbian
Academy of Sciences
- (plenary) "Frames and
Operators" (04.04.2019), International
Conference on Mathematical Methods in Physics, 1.-5. April
2019, Marrakech, Marokko
- (tutorial) "Redundante
Darstellung mit Rahmen" (15.08.2021) together with L.
Köhldorfer, DAGA 2021 - 47. Jahrestagung
für Akustik, 15. - 18. August 2021, Vienna, Austria
- "Continuous frames in tensor
product Hilbert spaces" (24.09.2021) Operators, generalized
functions and related topics, 21. - 24. September 2021, Novi
Sad, Serbia
- (main speaker)
"Frame Theory: the functional analysis foundation for
acoustics, quantum physics and machine learning"
(05.06.2023) International workshop
on: Functional Analysis and Quantum Physics: interplay,
challenges, perspectives, 5. - 9. September 2023,
Palermo, Italy.
Talks at conferences, workshops and seminars (with published
- P.Balazs, A. Noll; D. Haider, P. Balazs "Extraction of Rhythmical Features
with the Gabor Scattering Transform", CMMR 2019: 14th
International Symposium on Computer Music Multidisciplinary
Research (accepted) D. Haider, P. Balazs "Extraction of Rhythmical Features
with the Gabor Scattering Transform", CMMR 2019: 14th
International Symposium on Computer Music Multidisciplinary
Research (accepted) "STX: an application for harmonic
analysis in psychoacoustics" ; HASSIP
kick-off meeting, Marseilles (2002)
- P.Balazs, "Masking, Maths, Marseille - An introduction to
the phase vocoder, psychoacoustic masking and frame
multiplier"; HASSIP
minischool on Non-linear and Adaptive Approximation,
December 1-5, 2003
- P. Balazs, A. Noll; "STX :
the software system of the ARI"; HASSIP
minischool Marseille and at LMA Marseille (01.04.2004);
- P. Balazs, H.G. Feichtinger, M. Hampejs, G. Kracher; “Double Preconditioning of the
Gabor Frame Operator“, HASSIP
Statistics workshop, Cambridge, September 13-17., 2004
- P. Balazs, R. Kronland-Martinet, "Calculating the phase of an acoustical signal from its
time frequency representation", ÖPG 2004, abstract
- P. Balazs, H.G. Feichtinger, M. Hampejs, G. Kracher; “Double Preconditioning of the
Gabor Frame Operator“, HASSIP
Workshop 'Application Of Time Frequency Analysis In Acoustics',
April 26 to 29, 2005
- P. Balazs, “Double
Preconditioning for Gabor Frames“, ESI05: Special
Semester "Modern Methods of Time-Frequency Analysis",
Fourth Workshop on "Noncommutative Computational Harmonic
Analysis", Monday, July 4. - Thursday, July 7. 2005,
- P.Balazs, "Gabor Multipliers
with Application to Psychoacoustics", Workshop on "Time-frequency
analysis and nonstationary filtering" at the Banff
International Research Station (BIRS); Saturday, September 24. -
Thursday, September 29. 2005, abstract
, talk
- P. Balazs, "Gabor
Multipliers Applied to Masking, from Theory to Application",
Réunion senSons, 5. Mai 2006, web-site
- P. Majdak, P. Balazs, “Schnelle
der Außenohrübertragungsfunktionen mittels der Multiple
Exponential Sweep Methode”, presented at 56.
Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Physikalischen Gesellschaft (ÖPG), Graz, September 2006.Abstract
- P. Majdak, P. Balazs, “Schnelle
der Außenohrübertragungsfunktionen mittels der Multiple
Exponential Sweep Methode” presented at Meeting of Austrian Section of Audio
Engineering Society (AES),
Vienna, October 2006 Abstract
- P. Balazs, H. G. Feichtinger, "Double preconditioning for Gabor frames", 3.
Numerical Analysis Day, 26.04.2007 (2007)
- P. Balazs, J.-P. Antoine, "Weighted
and Controlled Frames", STROBL07,
Trends in Harmonic Analysis, June 18-22, 2007, Strobl,
Salzburg, AUSTRIA (18.06.2007)
- T. Necciari, S. Savel, S. Meunier, S. Ystad, R.
Kronland-Martinet, B. Laback and P. Balazs, "Auditory masking using
Gaussian-windowed stimuli", Acoustics'08,
Paris, 29.06.-04.07.2008 (03.07.2008)
- P.Balazs, "Frame Multiplier:
Theory and Application in Acoustics", STROBL08 (08.07.2008),
- P. Balazs, "Time-Frequency
Sparsity By Irrelevance Using a Simultaneous Masking Model",
Mulac midterm meeting,abstract,
- P. Balazs, "Matrix
representation using frames and generalized Bessel
multipliers", Mulac
midterm meeting, abstract
- P. Balazs, P. Majdak, W. Kreuzer and M. Dörfler, “Eine Zeit-Frequenz-Methode zur
Verbesserung des Signal-Rausch-Abstands für die
Systemidentifikation mit exponentiellen Sweeps", DAGA 2011,
Düsseldorf, 21.03-24.03.2011 (23.03.2011)
- P. Balazs, "Frame Theory for
Acoustical Applications", 62.
Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Physikalischen Gesellschaft
in Graz, 18.09.2012-21.09.2012 (20.09.2012)
- P. Balazs, "An
operator-based approach to irregular frames of translates",
ÖMG-DMW Congress 2013, Innsbruck (26.09.2013)
- P. Balazs, K. Gröchenig,
"Notes on intrinsically localized frames", Joint
Austrian-Hungarian Mathematical Conference 2015, Széchenyi
István University, Györ, 25-27 August 2015
- P. Balazs, D. Stoeva, N. Holighaus und T. Necciari, "Frame Theory for Acoustics",
42. Jahrestag für Akustik, 14.-17. März 2016, DAGA 2016
- P. Balazs, "Time-varying
windowing", 43. Jahrestagung für Akustik, 06.-09. März
2017, DAGA 2017
- P. Balazs, "Frame Multipliers
- a mathematical background for time-variant filters and
auditory scene analysis", 44. Jahrestagung für Akustik,
- P. Balazs, "Phase in der
Zeit-Frequenz Ebene", 45. Jahrestagung für Akustik,
Rostock, DAGA2019
- P. Balazs, "Recent
Developments in Time-Frequency Analysis and Applications",
12th International ISAAC congress (ISAAC2019),
29. - August 2, 2019
- P. Balazs, N. Holighaus, T. Necciari, D. Stoeva, "Frame Theory for Psychoacoustics",
23rd International Congress on Acoustics (ICA2019), Sept. 9.-13.,
- P. Balazs, N. Teofanov, "Continuous
in Tensor Product Hilbert Spaces", Operators,
generalized functions and related topics, Novi Sad Serbia (link),
Sept. 21-25., 2021
- P. Balazs, N. Holighaus, C. Hollomey, "A robust alternative to mel
spectrograms based on invertible AUDlet coefficents",
49. Jahrestagung für Akustik,
06.-09. März 2023
Talks at conferences, workshops and seminars (others):
- several talks about STx (e.g. this
one at Science
Week 2001 or this
one at an STx workshop (2000))
- "Fourier Analysis"; talk at ARI (10.04.2002), presentation
- "MPEG-7 Today's Multimedia Standard"; AES
Meeting 2002, presentation
- "STX: an application for harmonic analysis in
psychoacoustics" ; HASSIP meeting, Marseilles abstract,
(very large)
- "Masking, Maths, Marseille - An introduction to the
phase vocoder, psychoacoustic masking and frame multipliers for
the HASSIP minischool 2003 in Marseille"; HASSIP minischool on
Non-linear and Adaptive Approximation December 1-5, 2003 (see HASSIP ),
- "STX : the software system of the ARI"; HASSIP
minischool Marseille 2003
- “Double Preconditioning for
the Gabor Frame Operator“, (25.01.2005), Mini
Gabor-workshop Vienna
- "Regular And Irregular Gabor
Multipliers With Application To Psychoacoustic Masking",
- "Frame Multiplier",
(26.01.2006) Joint
HASSIP/DFG-SPP1114 Workshop: "Recent Progress in Wavelet
Analysis and Frame Theory", 23 - 26 January 2006, Bremen,
- "Matrix Representation of
Operators Using Frames", Multiscale
Methods, Sparse Decompositions and Parsimonious Statistics
HASSIP06 workshop, GSF-IBB, Neuherberg Munich, 11-14
September 2006
- "New Concepts in Frame Theory Motivated by Acoustical
Application", Habilitation Vortrag (29.06.2011), Fakultät
für Mathematik, Universität Wien
- "Dictionary Learning for
Audio Inpainting", DMV-ÖMG
2021, 27.09. bis 01.10. - Universität Passau
- "Double Preconditioning for
Gabor Frame Operators: Numerical and Functional Analysis
Aspects", STROBL2022
, Strobl, 2022
- P. Balazs, A. Noll; "Masking filter, phase vocoder and STX
- an introduction"; Poster SAMPTA 2003, link
- W.A. Deutsch, S.
Moosmüller, A. Noll, P. Balazs & J. White; "What is S_Tools-STx? PC based
Software Package for Intelligent Sound Processing";
Poster Eurospeech 2003
- P. Balazs, "Regular and Irregular Gabor
Multipliers with Application to Psychoacoustic Masking",
Modern Methods of Time-Frequency Analysis, Strobl, 23.
- 28. Mai, 2005.
- P. Balazs, H.G. Feichtinger, M. Hampejs, G. Kracher; "Double
for the Gabor Frame Operator”; ICASSP06, May 17, Toulouse
- P. Soendergaard, B. Torrésani, P. Balazs, "The Linear Time Frequency Analysis
Toolbox, version 1.0", STROBL07,
in Harmonic Analysis, June 18-22, 2007, Strobl, Salzburg,
AUSTRIA (19.06.2007)
- P. Balazs, B. Laback,
G. Eckel, W. Deutsch, “Perceptual
Sparsity Modeled by Simultaneous Masking”, TELECOM
ParisTech Workshop on Music Signal Processing, Paris,
France (27.06.2008)
- D. Bayer, F. Jaillet, P. Balazs, "On the Structure of the Phase around the Zeros of the
Short-Time Fourier Transform", "WWTF Mathematik und ...
Tag", WWTF, Vienna,
- P. Balazs, B. Laback, G. Eckel, W.A. Deutsch, "Removing Perceptually Irrelevant
Components Using a Masking Model", "WWTF Mathematik und
... Tag", WWTF, Vienna,
- P. Balazs, W. Kreuzer, G. Riekh, "Wavelets and Frames for Acoustic BEM", STROBL09
- P. Majdak, P. Balazs, W. Kreuzer and M. Dörfler, “A Time-Frequency Method for
Increasing the Signal-To-Noise Ratio in System Identification
with Exponential Sweeps”, ICASSP 2011, Prague,
- E. Enzinger, P. Balazs, D. Marelli and T. Becker,”A Logarithmic Based Pole-Zero
Vocal Tract Model Estimation for Speaker Verification”, ICASSP 2011, Prague,
- P. Balazs, J.-P. Antoine, "Frames
Semi-Frames", From Abstract to Computational
Harmonic Analysis, STROBL 2011
- D. Bayer, P. Balazs, F. Jaillet, P. Soendergaard, "The Derivative of the Phase Around
the Zeros of the Short-Time Fourier Transform", From Abstract to Computational
Harmonic Analysis, STROBL 2011
- P. Soendergaard, B. Torresani, P. Balazs, "The Linear Time-Frequency Analysis Toolbox", From Abstract to Computational
Harmonic Analysis, STROBL 2011
- A. Rahimi, P. Balazs,
"Some results on multiplier of
continuous frames" , From Abstract to Computational
Harmonic Analysis, STROBL 2011
- D. Stoeva, P. Balazs,
"Sufficient and necessary
conditions for the invertibility of multipliers" , From Abstract to Computational
Harmonic Analysis, STROBL 2011
- D. Stoeva, P. Balats, "Frame
multipliers - invertibility and representation for the
inverse", 6th European Congress of Mathematics,
Krak´ow, Poland, July 2-7, 2012
- D Reitschmidt, A. Noll, P. Balazs, D.J. Penn, S.M. Zala, "Ultrasonic vocalizations of mice
enhanced by sexual experience – the first implementation of
the new Automatic Mouse USV Detector (A-MUD)", 8th
European Conference of Behavioural Biology, Vienna, Austria,
July 12-15. 2016
- R. Abbasi, P. Balazs, A. Noll, D. Nocilakis, M. Marconi, D.
Penn, S. Zala, "Applying
convolutional neural networks to the analysis of mouse
ultrasonic vocalizations", 23rd International Congress
on Acoustics, Aachen, September 9.-13. 2019
- S. Rajbamshi, P. Balazs, N. Holihaus, "Adhoc method to Invert the Reassigned Time-Frequency
Representation", 23rd International Congress on
Acoustics, Aachen, September 9.-13. 2019
- A. Novoselov, G. Bokelmann, G. Hein, P. Balazs, "Separation
and denoising of seismically-induced ground-motion signals
with dual path residual neural network architecture", AGU Fall Meeting 2020 San
- A. Novoselov, G. Bokelmann, G. Hein, P. Balazs, "Source Separation of Seismically
Induced Signals", Summer of Machine
Learning in Skoltech, Moscow, 2020
- D. Bytchenkoff, P. Balazs, "Discrete
representation of linear bounded operators on Banach spaces
using self-localised frames", STROBL2022
, Strobl, 2022
- J. Holböck, P. Balazs, "Matching
Pursuit with Localized Frames", STROBL2022
, Strobl, 2022
- L. Köhldorfer, P. Balazs, "Fusion
Frame Multipliers", STROBL2022
, Strobl, 2022
- R. Nenov, P. Balazs, "Accelerating
FGLA using convex optimization", STROBL2022
, Strobl, 2022
- M. Shamsabadi, P. Balazs, "The
matrix representation of unbounded operators using sequences",
, Strobl, 2022
- M. Shamsabadi, P. Balazs, C. Hollomey, A. Arefijamaal, "Essential
fusion frame duals using alternate frame operators", FoCM
2023: Foundations of Computational Mathematics,
Paris/FRANCE, 2023
- L. Köhldorfer, P. Balazs, M. Shamsabadi, G. Tauböck, "Harmless
Frames", MSIA2023:
Workshop on Mathematical Signal and Image Analysis,
- A. Noll, W. A. Deutsch, P. Balazs & J. White ; "Intelligent
Sound Processing S_TOOLS - STX User's Guide" ; Acoustics
Research Institute, Austrian Academy of Sciences Vienna. (2001),
- P. Balazs, W. A. Deutsch, A. Noll, J. Rennison; "STX
User's Guide", Version 3.6.1 ; Acoustics Research
Institute, Austrian Academy of Sciences Vienna. (2004),
- P. Balazs, W. A. Deutsch, A. Noll, J. Rennison, J. White, "STx Programmer Guide",
Version: 3.6.2,link
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h-index: 32 (Google Scholar), 29
(Research Gate), 26 (Scopus), 21 (Thomson).
Citations: 3182 (Google
Scholar), 2852 (Research Gate), 1913 (Scopus) , 1228 (Thomson).
My mathematical ancestors:
Hilbert, Lipschitz, ... (see Mathematics
Genealogy Project)
My Erdös Number: 4 (Calculated
with MathSciNet)
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Some scientific links:
ELibEMS: Mathematical Journals
Math World
Java Tutorial
Audio Engineering Society
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